Luxe Isle 高清图片画廊 Escape to Oahu系列

As luck would have it, some of the most beautiful photos to date have come from this incredible collection, starring Alyssa Mitchell and filmed by Danny Batista in Oahu, Hawaii, March 2021. These adventurers traveled through Lava Tubes and dreamy hidden Mermaid Caves just as the tide came rolling in with heavenly golden light. The Collection is the true essence of the Polynesian experience. The tropical jungle with all of its mystery; massive palm trees, lush greenery, crisp waves and wild animals. If you can't get there yourself this year, this is a pretty nice postcard for dreamers.

幸运的是,迄今为止最美丽的一些照片来自这个令人难以置信的收藏,由艾莉莎·米切尔主演,丹尼·巴蒂斯塔于 2021 年 3 月在夏威夷瓦胡岛拍摄。这些冒险家穿越熔岩管道和梦幻般的隐藏美人鱼洞穴 潮水滚滚而来,带着天堂般的金光。 该系列是波利尼西亚体验的真正精髓。 充满神秘色彩的热带丛林; 巨大的棕榈树,郁郁葱葱的绿色植物,清脆的海浪和野生动物。 如果你今年不能亲自到达那里,这对梦想家来说是一张非常不错的明信片。

Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle
Luxe Isle