Black Tape Project 高清图片画廊

One day in 2008 I was a rookie photographer who was working with a model that suggested I use electrical tape on her for the last look. I honestly had no idea why she would want this but to make her happy I attempted to use this tape as wardrobe. Essentially I just wrapped her in black electrical tape! Mind you she looked like 2 Christmas hams wrapped in rubber bands when I was done! (I’d never show you these images!) However, it sparked an idea in my head to develop this idea. In the following weeks I asked a few models that I had worked with in the past to let me practice on them. That was the moment the designs started to evolve! Although primitive with a lot of trial and error, I remember thinking I was definitely on to something. I began to notice that the way the lines of tape would compliment the figure was unlike any wardrobe or fashion out there.

2008 年的一天,我是一名新手摄影师,正在与一位模特一起工作,这位模特建议我在她身上使用电工胶带进行最后的检查。老实说,我不知道她为什么会想要这个,但为了让她高兴,我尝试将这盘胶带用作衣柜。基本上我只是用黑色的电工胶带把她包起来!请注意,当我完成时,她看起来像用橡皮筋包裹的 2 个圣诞火腿! (我永远不会向你展示这些图像!)然而,它在我的脑海中激发了一个想法来发展这个想法。在接下来的几周里,我问了几个我过去合作过的模型,让我练习一下。那是设计开始发展的那一刻!尽管经过大量试验和错误的原始,我记得我认为我肯定是在做某事。我开始注意到胶带线条对人物的赞美方式与那里的任何衣橱或时装都不一样。


By 2012 I was selling my creative services to local night clubs in Miami. During this time I must have worked at about every night club in the area. This is when people really began to take notice. The venues I would be working at would post pics of the models I taped for the night which then resulted in other venues calling for rates. This was during the Myspace era. The next thing I knew, I was flying all over the place to places like Ibiza, Norway and Canada. A fews years later once Instagram caught on, it gave me an incredible platform to showcase my work. That’s when things really began to thrive. I would receive 100s of DMs daily from countries all over the world inquiring to book me for music festivals and nightclub appearances.

到 2012 年,我将我的创意服务出售给迈阿密当地的夜总会。在此期间,我一定在该地区的每个夜总会工作过。这是人们真正开始注意的时候。我工作的场地会张贴我当晚录制的模特的照片,然后导致其他场地要求收费。这是在 Myspace 时代。我知道的下一件事是,我飞遍了整个地方,飞往伊维萨岛、挪威和加拿大等地。几年后,一旦 Instagram 流行起来,它就为我提供了一个展示我作品的绝佳平台。那是事情真正开始蓬勃发展的时候。我每天都会收到来自世界各国的 100 封 DM,询问我为音乐节和夜总会露面预定我。


Although this art project started exclusively with black electrical tape I had begun to experiment with different techniques and new forms of adhesive tapes. I started working with reflective tape in 2014 but didn't release any of the images of this concept, feeling that people might still be more receptive to the original black tape.

虽然这个艺术项目完全是用黑色电工胶带开始的,但我已经开始尝试不同的技术和新形式的胶带。我从 2014 年开始使用反光带,但没有发布任何这个概念的图像,感觉人们可能仍然更容易接受原始的黑色胶带。


Years later at a charity event in Haiti, I was able to work with former Miss Puerto Rico and use the gold tape in a tropical setting. I took a 15 sec cellphone video of her in the gold body tape and immediately posted it to our Facebook page. Within 3 days it had over 7 million views along with over 50k shares worldwide. My emails, DM's and phone blew up with requests for TV & radio interviews, articles in national news outlets as well as magazines. I was so shocked and remember asking myself, is this all because of tape art? From that point forward I have been working to improve the designs of the tape, while being able to meet some incredible people along the way. Traveling the world to exhibit this new artistic medium is truly a dream come true and I promise that the best is yet to come!

多年后,在海地的一次慈善活动中,我能够与前波多黎各小姐一起工作,并在热带环境中使用金色胶带。我用金色的身体胶带拍摄了她 15 秒的手机视频,并立即将其发布到我们的 Facebook 页面。在 3 天内,它在全球拥有超过 700 万次观看和超过 5 万次分享。我的电子邮件、DM 和电话都被要求接受电视和电台采访、在国家新闻媒体和杂志上发表文章。我很震惊,记得问自己,这都是因为磁带艺术吗?从那时起,我一直在努力改进磁带的设计,同时能够在此过程中遇到一些了不起的人。环游世界展示这种新的艺术媒介真的是梦想成真,我保证最好的还在后面!

Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project
Black Tape Project