英国时装品牌Ralph & Russo(拉夫·卢索)2019年春夏季高级时装 高清图片画廊

Vibrant and vivacious, this season’s collection is a celebration of Latin American femininity and tribute to the stylish legacy of La Doña, the beloved Maria Felix, her empowered persona, daring sensuality and spirit of fashion beyond fear.

本季系列充满活力和活力,是对拉丁美洲女性气质的颂扬,也是对 La Doña 的时尚遗产、心爱的 Maria Felix、她强大的人格、大胆的性感和超越恐惧的时尚精神的致敬。


Unravelled and reinterpreted, the collection is a rich samba a la Mexicana of sixties pop colours, layered tassels, decadent tulle pom-pom fringed skirts and wide brimmed sun hats; at once playful, alluring and reminiscent of the unparalleled glamour portrayed by Felix and the stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood Cinema.



Embroideries are reptilian, taking the form of coiled serpents and crocodile scales in lieu of Felix’s famous bejewelled choker, whilst graphic ‘pop’ cut-out hearts and beaded bananas adorn ballgowns in tribute to cinematic icons, Carmen Miranda and Josephine Baker.

刺绣是爬行动物,采用盘绕的蛇和鳄鱼鳞片的形式代替了 Felix 著名的宝石项链,而图形“流行”镂空心形和串珠香蕉装饰着舞会礼服,以向电影偶像 Carmen Miranda 和 Josephine Baker 致敬。


Tailored safari suits are reimagined in bubble-gum pink and acid green, featured alongside bare-shouldered ballgowns juxtaposed in light floating chiffon and structured double duchesse, embellished with traditional French embroidery but bonded with neoprene.


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