英国时装品牌Ralph & Russo(拉夫·卢索)2015年春夏季高级时装 高清图片画廊

Spring/Summer 2015 celebrates Spring and all that the season of rebirth and regeneration symbolises. Silhouettes are graceful and dynamic while textures are light and translucent.

2015 年春夏系列庆祝春天以及重生和再生的季节所象征的一切。 轮廓优雅而动感,而纹理轻盈而半透明。


Featuring juxtaposing contemporary and traditional influences, delicate thread embroidery intertwines with metallic resin print while petal appliqué blossoms from geometric pearl embroideries.



The palette is sharp and sophisticated - pomegranate pinks, soft mints and cornflower blues. Capes cocoon the body while sheaths of organza and fluid chiffons cascade.

调色板锐利而精致——石榴粉色、柔和的薄荷和矢车菊蓝色。 披肩包裹着身体,而透明硬纱和流动雪纺的鞘层层叠叠。

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