英国时装品牌Ralph & Russo(拉夫·卢索)2016年秋冬季高级时装 高清图片画廊

Presenting a Sylvan Scene that emulates the perfection and chaos of nature’s enchanted realms, the Autumn Winter 2016/2017 collection is alive with cascading blossoms, laser-cut butterflies, dewy tulle sheaths and metallic dragonflies.

2016/2017 秋冬系列呈现出模拟大自然迷人领域的完美和混乱的森林场景,以层叠的花朵、激光切割的蝴蝶、露水的薄纱鞘和金属蜻蜓为特色。


A renewed interpretation of a fantastical wilderness and its binaries, the collection pursues the intersection between dusk and dawn, the romantic and the mystique. Punctuated by laser cut taffeta forms, bold prints and bohemian mini skirts, Autumn Winter 2016/2017 is a fantasia redefining artistry and reinterpreting the eternal cycle of being.

该系列是对梦幻荒野及其二进制的重新诠释,追求黄昏与黎明、浪漫与神秘之间的交集。 2016/2017 秋冬以激光切割塔夫绸形式、大胆印花和波西米亚迷你裙为标志,是一场重新定义艺术并重新诠释永恒循环的幻想曲。


From draped satins and floor-sweeping organza trains with voluminous frills, to shades of 70’s bohemia present in smocking, oversized hats, braiding and fringing; our woodlood muse is femininity in motion.

从垂坠的缎子和带有大量褶边的拖地欧根纱火车,到 70 年代波西米亚风格的罩衫、超大帽子、编织和流苏;我们的 Woodlood 缪斯女神充满动感。


Kaleidoscopic and euphoric in tone, evergreen shades of flora and fauna are ruched and ornately embellished with the finest micro-beads, metallic barley stalks and feathers, intricate glass-beaded bumblebee and beetle brooches, unifying design and humanity’s earthly connection to nature.


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