意大利品牌Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)2024年春夏季时装 高清图片画廊

With his unmistakable lightness, Paul Klee once described the activity of drawing as taking a line for a walk. Lightness has always been part of Alberta Ferretti's language, who this season continues her dialogue with women, the true driving force of aloof her work, taking a whole series of lines on a journey: stripes, ribbons, nets, intarsia. It is a journey, as always, made of impalpable balancesand contrasts, strong-willed yet delicate, subtle but incisive.

保罗·克利(Paul Klee)以其明显的轻盈感,曾将绘画活动描述为沿着一条线散步。 轻盈一直是 Alberta Ferretti 语言的一部分,本季她继续与女性对话,这是她作品的真正驱动力,她在旅程中运用了一系列线条:条纹、丝带、网布、嵌花。 一如既往,这是一次由难以捉摸的平衡与对比组成的旅程,意志坚强但又微妙,微妙但深刻。


The collection is twofold: on the one hand it is pragmatic, on the other delicate and dreamy, in both cases seductive. The journey openswith a series of fresh cotton shirts and trousers enhanced by the rhythm of bold stripes on lightblue backgrounds. These are accompanied by suits airing wide trousers and constructed jackets. The silhouette is fluid and vertical, either very short or very long. Pockets are both a decorativeand functional element, placed on the hips like peplums or belts. /p>

该系列具有双重性:一方面是实用主义,另一方面是精致而梦幻,两者都充满诱惑力。 旅程以一系列清新的棉质衬衫和裤子开始,浅蓝色背景上大胆条纹的节奏增强了这一点。 搭配宽松阔腿裤的套装和结构夹克。 轮廓流畅且垂直,要么很短,要么很长。 口袋既是装饰性的又是功能性的元素,像裙摆或腰带一样放在臀部。


This precision with a softly masculine bend soon gives way to the draping and impalpable lightness which is Alberta Ferretti’s very personal signature. However, the usual soft femininity acquires a new sensuality. Braidedchains run along operings and necklines, while drawstrings allow one to adapt the shape to the body, revealing it more or less decisively. It is the woman who decides; it is on her feelings that everything is shaped.

这种精确度与柔和的阳刚弯曲很快就被垂坠感和难以察觉的轻盈感所取代,这是 Alberta Ferretti 非常个人化的标志。 然而,通常的柔和女性气质获得了新的性感。 编织链沿着衣领和领口延伸,而抽绳则可以让形状适应身体,或多或少果断地展现它。 由女人决定; 一切都是由她的感觉决定的。

Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)
Alberta Ferretti(阿尔伯特-菲尔蒂)