Bridal FW 2022

For this Bridal season of Fall 2021, the Zuhair Murad bride embodies Marie, Amélie and Elisabeth of Henri Troyat’s saga “Les Semailles Et Les Moissons”. Three dissimilar personalities, driven by one same passion - the pursuit of happiness with identical eagerness and determination.

在 2021 年秋季的这个新娘季,Zuhair Murad 新娘体现了 Henri Troyat 传奇故事“Les Semailles Et Les Moissons”中的 Marie、Amélie 和 Elisabeth。三个不同的性格,被同一个激情所驱动——以同样的渴望和决心追求幸福。


Each, follows her destiny...



Marie, finds herself in a classical ball gown with striking patterns of sheaves and elusive embroideries, inspired by the vast and golden meadows of wheat landscapes. Being inscribed in tradition and anchored in customs, she characterizes the embellishment scattered around her voluminous corset princess dress, gilded with flamboyant cape sleeves. With wind blowing through her hair and into her veil, she admires the distinctive hues of sun-kissed stalks - inspiring distinctive and golden shades of colors, embraced onto layers of off-white ruffled tulle.



Amelie is a juxtaposition of beauty and fierceness. Primitive, yet surreal, her journey subsequently leads her through immense fields of crystal illuminating grains, showered all over her tulle sheath figure hugging dress, mirroring every line. In a season of harvest, whilst witnessing nature being tamed, she finds herself utterly intact: Amidst the most life-changing of environments, she realizes that she cannot be controlled: strong yet romantic, sensual yet elegant, self-confident yet dreamer.

Amelie 是美丽和凶猛的并存。原始而又超现实的旅程随后带领她穿越了巨大的水晶发光颗粒领域,她的薄纱护套紧身连衣裙上洒满了雨水,反映了每一行。在收获的季节,在见证大自然被驯服的同时,她发现自己完好无损:在最改变生活的环境中,她意识到自己无法控制:坚强而浪漫,感性而优雅,自信而梦想家。


The fiery and free-spirited Elisabeth, looks into the future through a modern and contemporary aesthetic. Personifying a radically changed women, she frees herself from the shackles of society and captures the simple beauties and calmest of activities in life – and carries on with bliss, abundance, joy and prosperity. Wrapped in distinctive stalks, she embodies an inspiring delicate artwork that is symmetrically drawn over around her strapless ball gown.

热情奔放的 Elisabeth 通过现代和当代美学展望未来。她将彻底改变的女性拟人化,将自己从社会的束缚中解放出来,捕捉生活中最简单的美丽和最平静的活动——并继续幸福、丰富、快乐和繁荣。她被独特的茎包裹着,体现了一种鼓舞人心的精致艺术品,对称地绘制在她的无肩带舞会礼服周围。


All the way of these singular paths, Zuhair Murad employs a dazzling “tour de force” of nuptial splendor in shades of off-white, sandy and pinkish pastel shades along with a divine alchemy of golden rays of sunlight highlighting transparent raptures and swirls of tulle.

在这些奇异的道路上,Zuhair Murad 运用了令人眼花缭乱的婚礼光彩“tour de force”,呈现出灰白色、沙色和粉红色的柔和色调,以及金色阳光的神圣炼金术,突出透明的狂喜和薄纱的漩涡.

Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉
Zuhair Murad 祖海·慕拉