2021 Fall Bridal

The best fall wedding dresses have a beginning, and for Ines Di Santo that journey starts with her spirited touch. Her iconic design sensibility is matched with a soulful execution that celebrates every woman that wears her name. In these designer fall wedding dresses of 2021, Ines shares her personal story with ultra-feminine collections inspired by the unforgettable moments and memories in her life.


最好的秋季婚纱已经开始,对Ines Di Santo来说,旅程从她那充满活力的触摸开始。她标志性的设计感与深情的执行相匹配,以庆祝每一个女人穿她的名字。在这些设计师设计的2021 年秋季婚纱中,Ines分享了她的个人故事,她的超女性系列灵感来自她生活中难忘的时刻和回忆。
