黎巴嫩高级定制时装品牌Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)2024春夏季高级成衣

A timely yet timeless image brings its essential femininity to the Maison Georges Hobeika Spring-Summer 2024 Ready-to-Wear collection. The goddess of love and beauty – Aphrodite as she is known in Greek mythology – is the impetus behind a creative ode to romance, grace and emotion. Visual inspiration also comes from perhaps the most famous representation of the goddess in her Roman incarnation, Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”, with its female figure rising through the waves. Flowing fabrics, intricately draped silhouettes and delicate colour combinations evoke this sense of poetry in a highly creative collection which is also the perfect showcase for the Maison’s trademark lavish embroidery and flair for embellishment.

一张及时而永恒的图片为Maison Georges Hobeika 2024春夏成衣系列带来了其本质的女性气质。爱与美的女神——希腊神话中的阿佛洛狄忒——是浪漫、优雅和情感的创造性颂歌背后的推动力。视觉灵感也来自于波提切利在罗马化身中最著名的女神形象——《维纳斯的诞生》,其女性形象在波浪中升起。流畅的面料、复杂的垂饰轮廓和精致的色彩组合在极具创意的系列中唤起了这种诗意,这也是Maison标志性的奢华刺绣和装饰天赋的完美展示。

Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)
Georges Hobeika(乔治斯·荷拜卡)