Galia Lahav Ivory Tower

A medieval princess is preparing to be united with her knight in shining armor. As he returns from a conquest in a far away land, she awaits him in their enchanted ivory tower. The princess gazes down to see her city rejoice the royal union. Far in the distance, she can see the crowd separating in two, creating a clear path. A path for her one true love who is finally approaching the tower.


一位中世纪的公主正准备与穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士团聚。 当他从一个遥远的土地征服返回时,她在他们迷人的象牙塔中等待着他。 公主凝视着她的城市使皇家联盟欢欣鼓舞。 在远处,她可以看到人群一分为二,形成了一条清晰的道路。 通往塔的她真正的爱的道路。


“Your robes are all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from ivory palaces stringed instruments make you glad”

Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫
Galia Lahav,嘉丽兰赫