
Ziad Nakad






品牌介绍:Ziad Nakad是一家黎巴嫩的礼服品牌。

Ziad Nakad Ziad Nakad Ziad Nakad Ziad Nakad

Ziad Nakad



Ziad Nakad是一家黎巴嫩的礼服品牌。

Ziad Nakad品牌介绍Ziad Nakad是一个来自黎巴嫩的礼服品牌,品牌创立于1997年。Ziad Nakad品牌的设计师擅长将珠绣羽毛运用于产品中,还有花卉设计元素,该品牌的服装致力于展现女性的曲线美。

Ziad Nakad launched his fashion house / atelier in 1997 reaching out to women who like clothes with a dramatic flair and timeless femininity. His designs epitomize glamour and simplicity which appeal to a discerning clientele, including international personalities and stars. Women dressed by Ziad Nakad are offered aesthetic cuts coupled with a great attention to details revealing their potent character. The designer’s strong enthusiasm for fashion and his ability to highlight women’s beauty and silhouette have been at the core of his business attracting a discerning clientele who value unique designs and materials.

齐亚德·纳卡德(Ziad Nakad)于1997年创办了自己的时装店/工作室,面向喜欢具有戏剧性风格和永恒女性气质的服装的女性。他的设计集中体现了魅力和简洁,吸引了包括国际名人和明星在内的挑剔客户。Ziad Nakad为女性提供了美感剪裁,同时非常注重细节,展现她们强大的个性。这位设计师对时尚的强烈热情,以及他突出女性美貌和轮廓的能力,一直是其业务的核心,吸引了重视独特设计和材料的挑剔客户。

His collections reveal elegance and style through several lines of clothing designed to meet the various needs of modern ladies: from the casual to a more sophisticated prêt-a-porter, to couture and bridal, Ziad Nakad’s lines of clothing tailor to every woman looking for originality and class.

他的系列通过几款服装系列彰显优雅和风格,旨在满足现代女士的各种需求:从休闲装到更精致的成衣,再到高级定制和新娘装,Ziad Nakad 的服装系列为每一位正在寻找的女性量身定制 独创性和阶级。

What makes a Ziad Nakad’s woman is a timeless quest for beauty and elegance where class is the master of sophistication and style.

使 Ziad Nakad 的女性成为永恒的追求是对美丽和优雅的追求,其中阶级是精致和风格的主人。

Born of a Lebanese descent, Ziad Nakad knew from his very early teens that he was to work in fashion. Since his young years, he was attracted by eccentric fabrics, sheer embroideries and unconventional beadings which married his designs back then especially sketched for his family to wear. Encouraged by this genuine success, the talented young man decided to explore more his passion for fashion and embrace the dressmaking art with studies in the field. In parallel, he mastered the art of couture by working with many famous fashion designers in Beirut. In 1997, he turned his dream into a career when he was invited to take part to the Beirut International Fashion Show for Couture in Beirut and dressed renowned super models like Karen Mudler, NadjaUrman and Jennifer Driver.

Ziad Nakad出生于黎巴嫩,从十几岁起就知道自己将从事时尚工作。从年轻时起,他就被古怪的面料、纯粹的刺绣和非传统的珠饰所吸引,这些珠饰与他当时的设计结合在一起,特别是为他的家人绘制的草图。在这一真正成功的鼓舞下,这位才华横溢的年轻人决定更多地发掘自己对时尚的热情,并通过该领域的研究拥抱服装制作艺术。与此同时,他通过与贝鲁特的许多著名时装设计师合作,掌握了时装艺术。1997年,他被邀请参加贝鲁特国际时装秀(Beirut International Fashion Show for Couture),并为卡伦·穆德勒(Karen Mudler)、纳德约曼(NadjaUrman)和詹妮弗·德里夫(Jennifer Driver)等著名超级模特穿上衣服,将自己的梦想变成了自己的事业。

His first fashion shows garnered much praise from critics and opened the doors to a whirling series of defiles sparking international interest for the designer. Such exposure led to another milestone to his career with his first international defile in Milano in 2001 followed suite by another one in Cannes in 2003… and that was only the beginning…

他的第一场时装秀获得了评论家的高度赞扬,并为引发国际对这位设计师的兴趣。 这样的接触为他的职业生涯带来了另一个里程碑,他在 2001 年在米兰首次国际玷污,随后在 2003 年在戛纳再次亮相……而这仅仅是个开始……

Celebrated for his ability to reveal the feminine side of every woman, Ziad Nakad is now a design reference in fashion shows in Lebanon, the Middle East, the Gulf, Europe, Asia, the Americas, and the world.

Ziad Nakad 因其展现每位女性女性柔美一面的能力而备受赞誉,如今已成为黎巴嫩、中东、海湾、欧洲、亚洲、美洲和世界各地时装秀的设计参考。
