versace 范思哲












versace 范思哲 versace 范思哲 versace 范思哲 versace 范思哲



Founded in 1978 in Milan,Gianni Versace S.r.l is one of the leading international fashion design houses and a symbol of Italian luxury world-wide. It designs, manufactures, distributes and retails fashion and lifestyle products including haute couture, prèt-à-porter, accessories, jewellery, watches, eyewear, fragrances, and home furnishings all bearing the distinctive Medusa logo.

Versace品牌创立于1978年,是全球时尚设计的领袖品牌,亦是全球瞩目的意式奢华象征。意大利总公司Gianni Versace S.r.l负责设计、生产、分销和零售品牌旗下时装及生活时尚用品,包括高级定制、成衣、配饰、珠宝、腕表、眼镜、香水及家具等,所有产品均饰有独具特色的美杜莎品牌标志。


The Versace Group distributes its products through a world-wide D.O.S network which includes over 200 boutiques in the principal cities and over 1500 wholesalers worldwide.



Donatella Versace has been Artistic Director of Versace since 1997 and has steered the brand into the 21st century. Today, Versace represents its heritage through its strong and fearless designs, while addressing a new global audience which continues to strengthen Versace’s position in contemporary culture.

自1997年起,Donatella Versace便担任品牌首席创意官,带领品牌迈向全新21世纪。如今,Versace承袭了品牌鲜明大胆的设计风格,同时融入创新元素以吸引更多消费者,进一步巩固了Versace品牌在当代文化中的地位。


In 2000 Gianni Versace S.r.l opened Palazzo Versace, the first hotel project to be branded by a luxury goods company, which provides tourists and travellers the opportunity to experience and enjoy the complete Versace lifestyle. The second Palazzo Versace built in Dubai opened in 2015. The third Palazzo Versace will be built in Macau, China.

2000年,Versace开设Palazzo Versace,成为首家由奢侈品公司开设的酒店项目。宾客可在Palazzo Versace度假酒店尽情体验和享受Versace式的高品质生活。第二家Palazzo Versace在2015年于迪拜隆重开业。第三家Palazzo Versace度假酒店将开设于中国澳门。


In February 2014, Gianni Versace S.r.l announced its agreement with Blackstone to participate in the next phase of the Company’s development. Blackstone owns 20 percent of the company; while the Versace family remains at its heart, with Ms. Allegra Versace Beck, Ms. Donatella Versace and Mr. Santo Versace all playing important roles in the company. Donatella Versace holds the dual role of Vice-President of the board and Artistic Director.

2014年2月,集团宣布与美国私募基金公司黑石(Blackstone)达成协议,助力公司下一阶段的发展。Blackstone拥有Versace 20%的股权,但公司依然主要由Versace家族控制,Allegra Versace Beck女士、Donatella Versace女士和Santo Versace先生都在公司担任重要职位。其中,Donatella Versace身兼董事会副总裁及首席创意官两职。


In May 2016, the Versace Group appointed Mr. Jonathan Akeroyd to the position of CEO and member of the company’s Board of Directors.

2016年5月,集团任命Jonathan Akeroyd先生担任首席执行官及公司董事会成员。


In September of 2018 Versace announced that one hundred percent of all Blackstone and Versace family shares had been sold to the Group Michael Kors Limited. In January 2019, Gianni Versace S.r.l. joined Capri Holdings Limited, forming a new global fashion luxury group together with Michael Kors and Jimmy Choo.

2018年9月,Versace宣布公司100%的股份(包括Blackstone和Versace的全部股份)已出售给迈克尔·科尔斯有限公司(Michael Kors Limited)。2019年1月,Gianni Versace公司加入Capri控股有限公司,携手Michael Kors和Jimmy Choo打造一个新的全球时尚奢侈品集团。

设计师:Gianni Versace(詹尼·范思哲)

范思哲的品牌创建人是詹尼·范思哲(Gianni Versace),1946年12月2日出生于意大利的雷焦卡拉布里亚。母亲是个“土”裁缝,曾经开过一个名为“巴黎时装店”的店铺。

詹尼·范思哲于1972年,到米兰学习建筑设计;1978年,推出首个女装成衣系列;1983年,获得“全球最具创新与创意的男设计师”Cutty Sark“奖(1988年他再度获得此殊荣);1985年,在维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆举办其在英国的首个时装展并获银面具奖(Sliver Mask Award);1986年,获Commendatore Award奖,同年时任巴黎市长的雅克·希拉克向詹尼·范思哲授予巴黎荣誉市民红色勋章,詹尼·范思哲是首个获此殊荣的设计师;1993年在纽约被美国时尚设计师协会(CFDA)授予首个CFDA大奖;1995年,被授予VH1时尚及音乐大奖;1997年7月15日,在美国迈阿密的豪宅门前被枪杀。
