Matte Collection

Matte Collection








品牌介绍:Matte Collection 是一家快速发展的泳装和时装公司,由女性创立,专为女性服务。根据该公司的网站,它的信念是“每个女人都应该拥有最好的外表和感觉”,并且“拥抱简单、干净、极简主义的外观是不二之选。” Matte Collection 创始人 Justina,她只用了她的名字,她对泳装工作很感兴趣,因为她发现这项工作是她在时尚界工作期间最引人入胜的。

Matte Collection Matte Collection Matte Collection Matte Collection Matte Collection

Matte Collection


Matte Collection is a fast-growing swimwear and fashion company founded by women, for women. According to the company’s website, its belief is that “every woman deserves to look and feel their best” and that “embracing the simple, clean, minimalist look is the still way to go.” Matte Collection founder Justina, who goes by only her first name, was drawn to working with swimsuits because she found the work the most engaging during her time in the fashion industry.

Matte Collection 是一家快速发展的泳装和时装公司,由女性创立,专为女性服务。根据该公司的网站,它的信念是“每个女人都应该拥有最好的外表和感觉”,并且“拥抱简单、干净、极简主义的外观是不二之选。” Matte Collection 创始人 Justina,她只用了她的名字,她对泳装工作很感兴趣,因为她发现这项工作是她在时尚界工作期间最引人入胜的。


The Atlanta-based brand was founded in 2017 to provide affordable swimwear to women that both looked good and felt good. Matte Collection conducts the bulk of their business online, but last month, Justina announced the opening of its first brick-and-mortar location inside Phipps Plaza.

这家总部位于亚特兰大的品牌成立于 2017 年,旨在为女性提供价格实惠的泳装,既好看又感觉良好。 Matte Collection 在网上开展大部分业务,但上个月,Justina 宣布在 Phipps Plaza 内开设第一家实体店。


“We at Matte Collection are incredibly proud of all that we’ve been able to accomplish over the past few years, culminating in opening our flagship brick-and-mortar store,” Justina said in a statement. “We know that it is only through the support of our beautiful Matte Babes and loyal customers that the Matte Collection brand has elevated to this platform. We’re confident that the location serves as the latest of many hallmarks signaling the brand’s ever-increasing success and ongoing mission to make women across the world feel beautiful.”

“我们 Matte Collection 为过去几年所取得的成就感到无比自豪,最终开设了我们的旗舰实体店,”贾斯汀娜在一份声明中说。 “我们知道,只有在我们美丽的 Matte Babes 和忠实客户的支持下,Matte Collection 品牌才能提升到这个平台。我们相信,该地点是众多标志中的最新标志,表明该品牌不断取得成功,并持续致力于让世界各地的女性感到美丽。”


Riding the wave of the success of March’s Havana Heat collection, featuring actress Meagan Good, Matte Collection will soon be releasing a global body positivity campaign, with influencer and entrepreneur Angela Simmons acting as lead ambassador.

乘着 3 月 Havana Heat 系列的成功浪潮,由女演员 Meagan Good 主演,Matte Collection 将很快发布一场全球性的身体积极运动,由影响者和企业家 Angela Simmons 担任首席大使。


To Justina, the message behind this campaign is more important than the items or the brand itself.

对 Justina 来说,这次活动背后的信息比商品或品牌本身更重要。


“Pretty much what I’m trying to do with a campaign that we’re working on now is just to let other women see women in different shapes, sizes [and] nationalities, and understand that there’s not a status quo to beauty,” she said. “You don’t have to look a certain way to feel beautiful, [and] you don’t have to be a certain body type to wear something that you like.”

“我现在正在开展的一项活动中,我试图做的几乎就是让其他女性看到不同体型、体型 [和] 国籍的女性,并了解美丽没有现状,”她说。 “你不必看起来以某种方式感觉美丽,[并且]你不必成为某种体型来穿你喜欢的东西。”


The official photoshoot for this new collection took place at the end of April, featuring 12 models of different races and sizes, including celebrated plus-size model Tabria Majors.

这个新系列的官方照片拍摄于 4 月底,共有 12 款不同种族和体型的模特,包括著名的大码模特 Tabria Majors。


Making fashion and swimwear that is inclusive to all bodies, regardless of shape or size, is something that Justina takes seriously. When designing, she tries to be considerate of every woman.

制作适合所有身体的时尚和泳装,无论形状或尺寸如何,是 Justina 认真对待的事情。在设计时,她试图体谅每个女人。


“So when I’m designing, if I’m using a certain color palette, or I’m like ‘I want to do animal prints,’ or whatever the case may be, what I tried to do is include a piece that will go across several different body types or that include pieces that like, ‘Oh, this might fit this body type, and this might fit this body type,’” Justina said. “[I want to give] several different body types an opportunity to buy from that collection and be happy it is fitting to their shape.”

“所以当我在设计时,如果我使用某种调色板,或者我想‘我想做动物印花’,或者不管是什么情况,我试图做的就是包括一件能够 浏览几种不同的体型,或者包括类似‘哦,这可能适合这种体型,这可能适合这种体型’的部分,”贾斯蒂娜说。 “[我想给]几种不同体型的人从该系列中购买的机会,并很高兴它适合他们的体型。”


The collection’s goal of building up the confidence of women is what made Simmons want to participate. As someone with a large social media presence, she enjoys empowering people to love their bodies.

该系列的目标是建立女性的信心,这正是 Simmons 想要参与其中的原因。 作为拥有大量社交媒体的人,她喜欢让人们爱上自己的身体。


“I just want to be able to help inspire others to know that it’s okay wherever you’re at, [and just be] able to be confident in the skin that you’re in now,” Simmons said.

