Beau Swim






品牌介绍:beau Swim 由 samantha jones 创立,灵感来自简单而干净的美学,旨在让每位女性都能感受到自己的最佳状态并爱上自己的肌肤。

Beau Swim Beau Swim Beau Swim Beau Swim

Beau Swim



Beau Swim is a luxury swimwear company that was established in 2020 with the purpose of selling the highest quality in fabrics and fits to women everywhere. Our bikinis are ethically made, and sustainability is a big part of our focus. A portion of our products are made of completely recycled materials.

Beau Swim 是一家豪华泳装公司,成立于 2020 年,旨在向世界各地的女性销售最高品质的面料和合身款式。 我们的比基尼是合乎道德的,可持续发展是我们关注的重要组成部分。 我们的部分产品由完全回收的材料制成。

Founded by samantha jones and inspired by a simple and clean aesthetic, beau swim aims to make every woman feel their best and love the skin they are in.

beau Swim 由 samantha jones 创立,灵感来自简单而干净的美学,旨在让每位女性都能感受到自己的最佳状态并爱上自己的肌肤。

At beau swim, we also make sure to do our part in helping the environment. A portion of our proceeds go towards cleaning up the beaches. Stop by and take a look at our new collection!

在 beau Swim,我们还确保为保护环境尽自己的一份力量。 我们的一部分收益用于清理海滩。 停下来看看我们的新系列!

设计师:Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones grew up in Boston, Massachusetts and after high school moved across the country to Los Angeles, California to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer. In 2019 Samantha graduated from The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.

萨曼莎·琼斯在马萨诸塞州波士顿长大,高中毕业后,为了追求成为时装设计师的梦想,她穿越全国来到加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶。 2019 年,Samantha 毕业于时装设计与营销学院。


She always had a love for the beach, and fashion. So combining these within her career was a dream. She always had an interest in swimwear as well. Over the course of her studies she learned more about sustainability and the impact fashion has on the environment. She created Beau Swim to be the hottest swimwear, with sustainable luxury fabrics.

她一直热爱海滩和时尚。 所以在她的职业生涯中结合这些是一个梦想。 她也一直对泳装感兴趣。 在她的学习过程中,她更多地了解了可持续性和时尚对环境的影响。 她将 Beau Swim 打造成为最热门的泳装,采用可持续的奢华面料。


Samantha has always been a creator and trendsetter since she was young and is bringing her style and initiative into helping the environment into Beau Swim. She loves to design to make women and men feel their best and loves to see people confident in her swimwear!

Samantha 从小就一直是一位创造者和潮流引领者,她将自己的风格和主动性带入了 Beau Swim 环境中。 她喜欢设计让女性和男性感觉最好,并喜欢看到人们对她的泳装充满信心!
