
Ines Di Santo





品牌介绍:Ines Di Santo的婚纱设在多伦多,在Davenport路设有旗舰店,在美国和加拿大的专卖店以及全球的婚纱高级服装店和专卖店都有售。

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Ines Di Santo

Ines Di Santo’s signature designs reflect the individuality and beauty of every bride she works with. Everything from her fabrics to her fittings, centers on a passion for quality. Ines believes finding your dream dress should be a wonderful adventure - no matter your style.

Ines Di Santo的标志性设计反映了与她合作的每个新娘的个性和美丽。 从面料到配件,一切都围绕着对品质的热情。 Ines相信,不管您的风格如何,找到理想的着装都应该是一次奇妙的冒险。

Ines Di Santo’s Couture Collections and Ines by Ines Di Santo Collections exist to make brides feel exquisite. When you walk down the aisle to the love of your life, you deserve a gown that’s as extraordinary as the occasion.

Ines Di Santo的Couture系列和Ines Di Santo的Ines系列使新娘感到精致。 当您走上过道,献出对生命的热爱时,您应该拥有一件与众不同的礼服。

设计师:Ines Di Santo

INES DI SANTO is an internationally renowned bridal gown and eveningwear designer. She has served as a leader on the world wedding stage for more than three decades. An unapologetic romantic, Ines has built her namesake brand by infusing every wedding gown with the essence of her passion for beauty, love, and desire.

INES DI SANTO是国际知名的婚纱和晚礼服设计师。 她在世界婚礼舞台上担任领导者已经超过三十年了。 毫无疑问,INES DI SANTO是Ines品牌的浪漫主义者,她以对美丽,爱情和欲望的热情注入了每件婚纱,从而树立了自己的同名品牌。

Fueled by the eternal fantasy of the ‘perfect’ wedding gown, Ines Di Santo bridal gowns are a modern interpretation of classic couture techniques, exquisitely handcrafted embroideries, and the finest European fabrics. Inspired by her upbringing in beautiful Buenos Aires, Ines connected to the romance of the art world as a young woman and went on to study fine art and design in Argentina and Italy. This connection laid the foundation for her expression as a fashion designer. Using the gestures of fine art as a catalyst, she brought her art, Ines Di Santo bridal, to life in glamorous, feminine glory.

Ines Di Santo婚纱在“完美”婚纱的永恒幻想的推动下,完美诠释了经典时装技术,精美的手工刺绣以及最优质的欧洲面料。 受到在美丽的布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)成长的启发,Ines年轻时就与艺术界的浪漫联系起来,并继续在阿根廷和意大利学习美术和设计。 这种联系为她成为时装设计师奠定了基础。 她以艺术的姿态作为催化剂,将自己的艺术作品《 Ines Di Santo婚纱》带入了光彩夺目的女性荣耀中。

运营伙伴:Veronica Di Santo

Born in Toronto and blessed to grow up in an atelier, Veronica has worked alongside her mother, Ines Di Santo, since the tender age of five. She joined the business in her own right in 1998, expanding the Ines Di Santo brand to become one of the fastest-growing luxury bridal companies in North America. As both her mother’s business partner and her daughter, Veronica remains her most trusted critic and adoring fan. With Ines running the design room and Veronica as Managing Partner, the duo’s commitment allows them to play on their strengths and continuously grow the Ines Di Santo brand philosophy.

维罗妮卡(Veronica)生于多伦多,很幸运能在工作室里长大,自五岁那年起便与母亲伊内斯·迪·桑托(Ines Di Santo)一起工作。 她于1998年自行加入公司,将Ines Di Santo品牌扩展为北美增长最快的豪华新娘公司之一。 作为母亲的商业伙伴和女儿,维罗妮卡(Veronica)仍然是她最值得信赖的批评家和崇拜者。 在Ines管理设计室并由Veronica担任执行合伙人之后,二人的承诺使他们可以发挥自己的优势,并不断发展Ines Di Santo品牌哲学。
